Thursday, April 14, 2011

[Facebook] Cafe World - Bread Oven Goals

Goal 1:
PLACE your Bread Oven
BUILD your Bread Oven
ASK for 1 Packet of Yeast

Goal 2:
SERVE 5 Sweet Dinner Rolls(10mins)
SERVE 5 Pumpkin Pies (12hr)
ASK for 2 Bananas

Goal 3:
SERVE 10 Sweet Dinner Rolls(10mins)
ASK for 10 Eggs
ASK for 10 Bananas
REWARD: Banana Bread Recipe (30mins)

Goal 4:
SERVE 10 Sweet Dinner Rolls (10mins)
SERVE 10 Banana Bread (30mins)
SPICE 5 Neighbours' Stoves

Goal 5:
SERVE 10 Banana Bread (30mins)
ASK for 10 Packets of Yeast
ASK for 10 Teaspoons of Cinnamon
REWARD: Sticky Buns Recipe (8 hrs)

Goal 6:
SERVE 10 Banana Bread (30mins)
SERVE 10 Sticky Buns (8 hrs)
SPICE 5 Neighbours' Stoves

Goal 7:
SERVE 10 Sticky Buns (8 hrs)
ASK for 10 Cups of Bread Flour
ASK for 10 Measuring Spoons
REWARD: Parisian Baguette Recipe ()

Goal 8:
SERVE 10 Sweet Dinner Rolls(10mins)
SERVE 10 Sticky Buns (8 hrs)
SERVE 10 Parisian Baguette

Related posts: Build Bread Oven

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